
You Are What You Think You Are – With Ben Physick | Episode 070

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There’s a magic to thinking big — Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t.. You’re right.”

This episode is among my absolute favourites, I walked away feeling inspired and excited and I know you will too! If you need a good kick up the backside and want to start taking back some of your power… this one’s for you!

Today’s guest, Ben Physick is a personal trainer, an exercise physiologist, a weight loss coach and a public speaker. We talk about his journey into the direct selling industry and the catalyst for his success. He gives some brilliant tips and advice, as well on how to get a move on with your direct selling journey.

If you feel like you’re stuck in your business, and you just don’t know if you’re still on the right track, just listen to this episode and pick up tons of golden nuggets that will definitely leave you feeling inspired and motivated.

P.S. He dropped SO many books that we listed them all for you in the show notes!

Let’s get started!

“If you think you can, you’re right. If you think you can’t, you’re also right.” – Henry Ford

We’ll be talking about:

  1. Introduction [0:00]
  2. Ben Physick’s journey into direct selling [3:52]
  3. Connect people to yourself FIRST, not to the business [7:03]
  4. Ben’s learning curve [9:51]
  5. The turning point for Ben in his business — the catalyst of his success [11:59]
  6. Leveraging business through Facebook [15:56]
  7. Focus on one area — don’t spread yourself too thin [18:46]
  8. Ben explains utilising Facebook to funnel people into his business [19:40]
  9. Translating Ben’s success into other businesses [26:08]
  10. Value first: Sell without selling [27:19]
  11. Consistency is the key [28:51]
  12. Ben shares a little tip to boost your Facebook presence [30:47]
  13. Seasons of work VS seasons of harvest [33:33]
  14. Tips for those who feel they’re “stuck” in their business [37:39]
  15. Book recommendations [40:01]
  16. Tips for business owners on how to make time for reading [43:53]
  17. Ben’s Morning Routine [48:18]
  18. Ben keeps saying “just pick one thing”, what does this mean? [49:16]


About Our Guest:

Ben Physick is a personal trainer, exercise physiologist, weight Loss coach and public speaker. He has owned and operated his own personal training studio for over 20 years and has to date helped literally tens of thousands of people around the world to correct their weight. Ben speaks regularly about his passion for weight loss and is considered as one of Australia’s leading professionals in the fast growing wellness industry. He not only has a great understanding of the theoretical background of human physiology but as an ex athlete he also has an understanding of the application of those principles.


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