
The Power of Your Story – With Lisa McInnes-Smith | Episode 069

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Do you feel like your story doesn’t matter? What if I told you, your story could be the one thing holding you back from the growth in your business you have been working hard for…

In this podcast I interviewed not only a very special guest but also a very special friend and down right amazing human being Lisa McInnes-Smith. Lisa is a well-renowned international speaker, a best selling author is here to tell you that everyone’s story matters. This beautiful woman is a best selling author and has presented to over 2 million people across 26 different countries to talk about the power of storytelling in your business. 

It’s not necessarily the big things, and it’s not always the spectacular moments that find their way into people’s hearts. Sometimes, it’s just as simple as having the confidence to share a little more of you. In this episode, Lisa and I chat about the power of stories and she gives some valuable advice to help you to better share yours to have a greater impact and build greater connections.

Grab your cuppa and listen in!

We’ll be talking about:

  1. Introduction [0:00]
  2. About Lisa McInnes-Smith [2:52]
  3. Choosing to turn difficult moments into life-changing experiences [5:05]
  4. How Lisa developed her storytelling skills and became a natural storyteller [9:26]
  5. From sports psychologist to international speaker [11:40]
  6. Avoid overwhelm during stressful moments [13:10]
  7. Does your story matter? [20:03]
  8. Utilise stories in building circles of influence [24:48]
  9. Don’t underestimate the power of writing little moments in life that are significant to you [29:04]
  10. Tips for improving your video content [41:37]
  11. Forget “Perfect” [42:42]
  12. Share those little moments — don’t think minutes, think seconds [46:10]
  13. Jot down moments that made you laugh or evoked emotions [46:47]
  14. Tips for professional speakers [48:51]
  15. People buy from people they like, know, and trust [49:47]
  16. Lisa gives a piece of advice to new business owners [50:39]


About Our Guest:

Lisa McInnes-Smith is a well-renowned motivating international speaker who was formerly a sports psychologist. Lisa has presented to 2 million people across 26 different countries to talk about the power of storytelling in your business. She is passionate and provocative and a master of shifting behaviour. Lisa understands that how people learn is a key component in the rate of their progress — and most importantly, she inspires people to grow.


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