
The Rollercoaster Ride of Building Business | Episode 178

This Spotlight Special shines the light on a truly remarkable guest – the incredible Celine Egan. It’s always a special occasion when I get to sit down with the fabulous Celine, a name synonymous with success in Direct Selling. One of the Masterminds behind, and Directors at Juice Plus+ Australia and New Zealand, Celine’s expertise is matched only by her warmth and generosity. But here’s the really  juicy bit; beyond her impressive professional track record, Celine holds a special place in my own journey… She was my very first business mentor over 15 years ago!


Our conversation delves deep into the rhythm of business seasons, offering insights into the ebb and flow of entrepreneurship within the Direct Selling industry. Celine’s journey, peppered with experiences that have spanned years and industries, serves as a source of inspiration for those navigating the unpredictable terrain of business ownership. Affectionately known as “Mama Celine,” her guidance has touched the lives of countless entrepreneurs, making her an emblem of support and wisdom.


My mission today? To unravel the pressures and challenges entrepreneurs often face, and provide a fresh perspective on embracing the entrepreneurial journey. This interview is a testament to the enduring transformative magic and impact of mentorship, and the power of storytelling in the business world.


We’ll be talking about: 

[0:00] Introduction

[3:09] Getting to know Celine Egan

[5:10] Teaching from personal experience

➡ [7:02] Good conflict is good

[9:09] Ups and downs

[15:24] Side hustle to changemaker

[16:35] Future of Social Media

[19:59] Business that makes a difference

[27:42] What are your justifications?

[32:55] What it’s like to be at the bottom of the rollercoaster

➡ [40:23] Running a Direct Selling Business is an everyday choice

[42:52] Being at the right place

[44:06] Final thoughts




About our guest:

Celine Egan, CEO of Juice Plus+ Australia. Celine is passionate about helping people to grow and develop, both personally and professionally, especially using the Direct Selling profession. Celine has co-authored two books – Accelerate and Direct Selling Power.

CelineI has a Graduate Diploma in Management, Coaching Qualification from ICA and numerous personal development courses completed.

Celine has also completed the Dr Sears Health Coach accreditation and is loving sharing the joy of whole food supplementation alongside the amazing Juice Plus+ team.


Connect with Celine Egan:

➡ Celine’s Website: https://www.juiceplus.com/ie/en

➡ Ceine’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EganCelineJP/

➡ Ceine’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/celineegan/


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