
Instagram tips and updates | Episode 137

There are updates and changes coming to Instagram!


In trying to adapt, or should I say compete, with other platforms (Tiktok here’s looking at you!) Instagram has made some significant changes! Many of these changes have already begun, others are a work in progress,  and a few are even whispers from behind the scenes that I wanted to share with YOU.

Some updates will be exciting and ready to rock, others will be rolled out in a testing phase that allows Instagram to see how users will react to these changes, making improvements as they go. So, let’s have a look at 5 key changes that YOU might want to look out for…

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We’ll be talking about: 

[0:00] Introduction

[2:08] Update 1: Multiple links in bio

[3:07] Tools for sharing links

[4:38] Update 2: Say goodbye to Instagram shop

[5:03] Tab lite, a simpler version of Instagram shop

➡ [7:08] Update 3: Instagram is backtracking

[7:24] Instagram’s short form video content 

[9:04] Update 4: #Hashtag reels topics

[9:29] Hashtags that relate to your post

[10:41] Finding popular hashtags relevant to you

[10:55] Use Auxano Social for worry-free posting and much more 

[13:14] Update 5: Main fee repost feature

➡ [14:04] Sharing vs creating  

➡ [14:41] Not all of us 

➡ [15:56] Staying informed

➡ [17:36] Background music on your profile

➡ [19:00] Connect with us

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