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How to create the perfect storm with Angela Lucente | Episode 131

At only 29 years old and while eight months pregnant, Angela opened not one but TWO fashion boutiques to give her family a better lifestyle. In 2007 the online space started to thrive, Angela was ready for change, and change she got! As a top earner in the Direct Selling industry, Angela Lucente shares her tried and tested experiences of growing a business.


From Bricks and Mortar to Direct Selling she says the decision to switch was easy because:

  1. She realised Direct Selling is a business model with little to no overheads.
  2. You can earn the same amount of income or more!


So If you’re thinking of jumping into the Direct Selling industry, Party Plan, Direct Marketing or maybe MLM this is the interview for you! You’ll hear the do’s and don’ts of approaching your network, key income earning ideas and what type of conversations you should be having.


Get that pen and paper ready, you won’t want to miss a thing!

We’ll be talking about: 

➡ [00:00] Introduction

➡ [2:29] 15 years in Direct Selling

➡ [3:15] Creating your perfect storm

➡ [4:12] Getting to know Angela Lucente

➡ [09:41] Transitioning from bricks and mortar to Direct Selling

➡ [13:00] Key differences between Party Plan and Network Marketing

➡ [15:29] Inside the perfect storm  

➡ [18:13] Prioritising income generating tasks

➡ [20:59] Creating curiosity the right way

➡ [23:17] Tips for newcomers 

➡ [29:19] A bumpy road

➡ [31:58] Using Social Media effectively in business

➡ [36:45] Methods of connecting

➡ [39:21] Never live with regret 

➡ [40:50] Angela’s favourite book

➡ [42:56] Angela’s choice of superpower

➡ [43:49] Angela’s favourite quote

➡ [45:19] Angela’s advice to her past self


Questions are the answers by Allan Pease Book: https://amzn.to/3KTUWZm


About our Guest: 

Having achieved success in both corporate and small business arenas, the lure of the Direct Selling industry set a new challenge for Angela Lucente. 


Although Angela was, at first, a little unsure of business models that offer high return for little financial investment, she was intrigued by the idea of working less and earning more… even if it did sound a little cliche. Capitalising on her expertise in working with and mentoring teams of people meant her business grew very fast and beyond expectations within only a few short months.


Through this experience she was convinced that the industry provided a powerful vehicle for creating wealth and lifestyle as long as people felt supported and received the right training. Making a support platform the focus for her business has enabled Angela to celebrate many successes within the teams she has helped create. She is now very proud to be a part of history with the fastest growing and founding J-Fire Global Partners team in Australia.


Connect with Angela: 

➡ Angela Lucente’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/angela_lucente/ 

➡ Angela Lucente’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angela.cardamonelucente


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Join the FREE Facebook group: https://go.auxano.global/ 

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