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Is the platform now dead in the water? Some of the biggest Facebook challenges we hear are:
“My stuff isn’t getting any reach.”
“I’m not getting engagement.”
“I feel like I’m wasting my time.”
“Facebook is just not working!”
So I figured, it’s time I bring in the big guns so I’m joined by my favourite person Greg to chat about why Facebook might not be working for you.
Facebook is still the most powerful marketing tool in existence… but used wrong and it will be a huge waste of time! So how do you use it effectively?
Tune in and enjoy this fun chat with Greg!
We’ll be talking about:
➠ Introduction [0:00]
➠ What Are Your Objectives? [02:34]
➠ How Sam Beats Overwhelm [05:38]
➠ Consistency [07:15]
➠ Making Tiny Changes To Suit Your Audience [10:10]
➠ Why Facebook isn’t working [13:11]
➠ A fish and chip shop analogy [15:01]
➠ People HATE being sold [16:39]
➠ Social media is a conversation [17:59]
➠ How to create Facebook posts that convert [20:27]
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