Do we have the power to truly change another’s mind? Even more to the point, how do we do so in a positive way?
I’m thrilled to welcome back an incredibly special guest on the Direct Selling Accelerator Podcast, Michael McQueen! Michael has spent the last two decades helping organizations and leaders stay ahead of the curve. He’s a best-selling author of nine books, and an award-winning keynote speaker who has shared the stage with the likes of Bill Gates and Dr. John C. Maxwell.
Today we dive into his latest book, his tenth release, and discover the true art of changing minds. You see , we live in a time where being open-minded seems almost out of fashion, yet it’s a more crucial ability to possess now than ever. Michael and I explore how to gently influence those around you, making it a respectful win-win situation.
Social Media and digital trends dominate our world, especially in the Direct Selling industry. Michael shares his insights on how to navigate these trends and effectively communicate in a way that feels good AND gets results.
I had a great time chatting with Michael. I’m sure you’ll find his advice as curiosity-evoking, insightful, inspiring and practical as I did. Enjoy!
We’ll be talking about:
➡ [0:00] Introduction
➡ [2:41] Catching up with Michael McQueen
➡ [3:52] About Michael’s new book
➡ [5:26] Art of influence
➡ [8:15 Inspiration for the book
➡ [12:09] Which one is working and which one is not?
➡ [15:22] Persuading young people
➡ [19:34 Persuasion vs coercion
➡ [22:52] Benefits that are more than pay
➡ [25:30] Congruence and confidence
➡ [31:33] Favoring which side of argument
➡ [36:16] Honeymoon stage
➡ [40:13] Begin with affinity
➡ [47:31] Beware of playing with emotions
➡ [52:47] Influencer Marketing
➡ [58:06] Results from showing up
➡ [59:56] Check out Michael’s new book, Mindstuck
➡ [1:00:35] Michael’s favourite book
➡ [1:01:13] Michael’s dream superpower
➡ [1:01:38 ] Michael’s favourite quote
➡ [1:02:22] Michael’s advice to his past self
➡ [1:03:16] Final thoughts
About our guest:
Michael McQueen is a multi-award winning speaker, change strategist and bestselling author of 10 books. With clients including Google, Toyota and Mastercard, he has helped some of the world’s most successful brands navigate uncertainty and stay ahead of the curve.
In addition to featuring regularly as a commentator on TV and radio, Michael is a familiar face on the international conference circuit having shared the stage with the likes of Bill Gates, Mel Robbins and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.
Michael has spoken to over 500,000 people across 5 continents since 2004, and is known for his engaging, entertaining and practical conference presentations. Having been formerly named Australia’s Keynote Speaker of the Year, Michael has been inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame.
Book Recommendations:
➡ Mindstuck by Michael McQueen:
➡ Think Again by Adam Grant:
➡ The Catalyst by Jonah Berger:
➡ “When one party, in any relationship wins, the relationship always loses “ by Andy Stanley
Connect with Michael:
➡ Michael McQueens’s website:
➡ Michael McQueens’s Facebook:
➡ Micheal McQueen’s LinkedIn:
➡ Micheal McQueen’s Instagram:
➡ Micheal McQueen’s TikTok:
➡ Micheal McQueen’s X:
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