
5 tips to stop the scroll | Episode 199



Okay, no, keep reading… 


How do you make people stop? How do you grab their attention with your content as they casually scroll through their Social Media feeds? How do you create that curiosity factor that makes your posts stand out?


Tune in as I answer these questions and share with you five simple strategies to help stop the scroll. Let’s make your content that post, video, story, reel or picture the thing that makes someone swiping through their feed pause, pay attention and ask themself “wait, what is this?!”


Let me spill the beans on easy things you can do to grab attention with your Social Media content! I’ll share tips on how to create curiosity, spark intrigue and a bunch of creative ideas that you can use right now. 


Stop… and tune in!





We’ll be talking about: 

➡ [0:00] Introduction

➡ [1:04] Why do we need to stop the scroll

➡ [3:24] Pay attention to what stops you

➡ [4:41] Tip #1

➡ [6:13] Engagement questions, statements and opinion posts

➡ [7:31] Use your first 3 seconds wisely

➡ [9:46] Opinion creating content

➡ [11:25] Be warned

➡ [16:13] Tip # 4

➡ [18:03] This is how you use hooks

➡ [21:06] Tip #5

➡ [24:12] Recap




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