DSA_Omni_Ep_056 (2)

3 Quick Tips – What To Do… When You Don’t Know What To Do | Episode 056

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Thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to navigate countless places to establish relationships with your potential and existing customers. But how can you reach out to them effectively?

In this episode, I’m going to teach you three things you must do to build a strong relationship with your target audience. Moreover, we will discuss how to maintain such connections and why it is essential to do so.

Make sure to tune in and bear these tips in mind, for this will benefit your business in the long run. Let’s dive on in!

We’ll be talking about:

  1. Tip #1: Respond to comments on your posts [1:41]
    1. Ask questions too [2:06]
    2. Pause, learn about your customers, and take note [2:59]
  2. Tip #2: Go beyond your zone [3:37]
    1. Find your customers on their profiles, pages, or groups [4:18]
  3. Tip #3: Gather your customer’s contact information [4:46]
    1. Reconnect [5:36]
    2. Implement a system when reaching out to people [5:59]
    3. Remember the power of voice notes [6:29]
    4. No hidden agenda, it’s all about them [7:49]
  4. Building relationships with your customers: Why is it so important? [00:35]



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