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How To Get Unstuck When You Feel Completely Overwhelmed | Episode 231

Are you feeling a little overwhelmed? Have you ever found yourself ‘stuck’ and unsure of what to do next in your business? You are not alone.

These are feelings many of us recognize, especially when we face challenges that seem insurmountable.  In this episode, I want to talk about just that: overcoming those moments when you feel immobilised and don’t know how to move forward.

We’ve all been there, feeling like our feet are stuck in cement, waiting for some magical moment to jolt us into action. But waiting doesn’t help us, right? In fact, staying still is often the worst thing we can do. Over my career, I’ve faced this many times and I know I’ll experience it again – as we all do and will. The key is knowing how to handle it when it happens.

That’s why I’ve developed five strategies that help me to keep moving, build momentum, and avoid getting stuck for too long. These strategies aren’t just for when everything is going smoothly—they’re designed for those tough times when you need to pull yourself out of a rut. 

So, if you’re ready to become an action-taker and push through those overwhelming moments, let’s dive in and get your feet moving again!




We’ll be talking about: 

[0:00] Introduction

➡ [2:44] 5 strategies that make a difference 

➡ [2:35] A 2mm shift is a move forward

➡ [3:39] The golf analogy

➡ [5:33] The one thing

➡ [7:29] Break down your tasks

➡ [10:00] Celebrate your wins

➡ [12:51] Set yourself up for success

➡ [13:46] Plan your week ahead

➡ [19:00] Set 3 goals for the day you’re going to achieve

➡ [20:23] You don’t always need big goals

➡ [22:17] Recap



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