Today I have used Facebook Live to show just how simple it can be to generate free exposure through Facebook.
How does it work? SIMPLE just click on post and a few options will come up on your phone, it will give you a short countdown and you are away. Here is the bonus, its like running a mini Webinar, people can watch and comment live as you go. The thing is that its free and it gets views, video is your friend when it comes to social media and if you want to get the most bang for your buck…. embrace it.
So, to the topic at hand, feel free to watch the video below and I have recapped the 5 tips for you in case you missed them.
- Appeal to the senses, consider taste, smell and touch etc to reach peoples subconscious when viewing your cover image
- Inspire a purchase. Consider posting a single image of a product/item that may be for sale etc. remember that putting a person in an image makes it more believable for a potential buyer to picture.
- Express your personality – people buy from people they like so show them who you are and don’t be afraid to be fun and unique.
- Share your value proposition, what is it that makes you different from your competitors. is a brilliant tool to use to help with this.
- Promote a hashtag, for more information about hashtags I will put some tips together next week.
I hope you find this post helpful, please provide feedback, topic suggestions are very welcome!